It is possible for people who've been suffering from chronic sinusitis to breathe freely again. | Adobe Stock
It is possible for people who've been suffering from chronic sinusitis to breathe freely again. | Adobe Stock
- Investigations reveal that chronic sinusitis contributes to hypertension
- 2% of men and 4% of women who suffer from chronic sinusitis will experience significant increases in blood pressure
- Overlooked symptoms are dry sinus headache or sinus migraine
Recent studies have revealed that chronic sinusitis can contribute to or exacerbate other health conditions.
“Studies show the earlier you intervene in chronic sinusitis, the better patients' quality of life will be over time,” DeLorio told the South Jersey Sun. “Once people develop severe chronic sinusitis, we know it is difficult to get people back to normal, and they will continue to struggle with diminished quality of life.”
It is common knowledge that breathing is affected by sinusitis, and investigations have brought researchers to the conclusion that chronic sinusitis can contribute to the development of hypertension development, according to the European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine.
From a well-documented historical perspective, we can see the evidence that supports the following: Breathing does affect people's overall health, and it has long been known that the heart rate increases during the time you inhale, while arterial blood pressure decreases, and vice versa, according to Frontiers in Physiology.
According to the European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, it was found that 2% of men and 4% of women who experience sinus inflammation also experience a notable increase in blood pressure, especially in patients who are over 50 years old.
Healthline reports that some common symptoms of chronic sinusitis, which have the potential to restrict breathing, are postnasal drip and inflamed nostrils. Additional symptoms related to sinus conditions include a dry sinus headache or a sinus migraine.
According to a study published in Breathe, there could be a benefit from slow, controlled breathing techniques that work to lower stress and are also associated with a patient's health and longevity. More analysis on the subject is needed, however.
We encourage our readers to learn more about their sinuses by taking this online Sinus Self-Asessment Quiz.